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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “?uri? Gordana D.” ,找到相关结果约234259条。
Dopa-responsive dystonia
uriGordana,Svetel Marina,D?olji? Eleonora,Kosti? Vladimir
Vojnosanitetski Pregled , 2009, DOI: 10.2298/vsp0901029d
Abstract: Backgrround/Aim. Dystonia is considered to be a prolonged involuntary contractions of the muscles leading to twisting, repetitive movements or irregular postures. Etiologically, it could be classified as primary and secondary dystonia. Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) belongs to a group of primary dystonia. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of gene GCH-I mutation in our population in patients with dopa-responsive dystonic dyskinesia and to analyze clinical specificity of the affected. Methods. Out of the group of patients with dystonia of different distribution four patients were separated whose clinical picture indicated the diagnosis of DRD. Two patients had a positive family anamnesis while the other two were sporadic. Genetic analysis was performed by the use of a standard protocol, which included PCR amplification and DNK sequencing according to the method of Senger and autoradiografy. Results. In the patients from the family DRD-1 new hetaerazygote point mutation 520G→A in 4-m exson gene GCH-I was revealed. First symptoms of the disease showed in the age of seven by the torsion of the left foot, progressively advanced and got into the evolution of numbness in the legs, aggravated gait, tending to worsen in the evening, and the therapy with levodopa (500 mg) produced a dramatic effect. The second mutation in the female patient from the family DRD-2 was homozygote deletion in1-m intron gene GCH-I (IVS1-85delA). Unwilling torsion of the foot, feeling of weakness in the lower extremities (that caused falling without loss of the consciousness) were clinical demonstrations of the disease. The application of levodopa (300 mg) caused regression of the symptoms of the disease. Hetaerazygote deletion of adenine in the position 209 in the first exon (209del A) was identificated in the patient DRD-3 with negative family anamnesis, in who in the age of ten the torsion of the foot inside occurred for the first time following by trembling of both the left and right legs at rest; after a few years, tremor of hands also appeared, which became worse in stressful situations. The father of the patient was an asymptomatic bearer of mutation. The fourth mutation in gene GCH-I was found in I exon gene GCH- I, 208delA. The disease was started by torsion of the left foot, progressing easily, and worsening in the evenings, but at the age of 30, moving became harder, fatigue and pain in muscles, increased and at the age of 40 the patient recognized the change of speech. The application of levodopa (300 mg/daily) made the patient feel better and walk independent
Influence of biostimulant and substrate volume on root growth and development of scarlet sage (Salvia splendens L.) transplants
Zeljkovi? Svjetlana B.,Para?ikovi? Nada A.,Babi? Tamara S.,uriGordana D.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2010, DOI: 10.2298/jas1001029z
Abstract: The influence of biostimulant and substrate volume on scarlet sage transplants growth and development was examined in this investigation. There was one cultivar of scarlet sage used in trial which was transplanted in pots of two different volumes. Plants were treated with biostimulant (Radifarm) in concentration of 0.25% or left untreated (control). During the trial, root and aboveground fresh and dry mass were recorded. Treatment with biostimulant and bigger substrate volume showed good results by increasing investigated parameters. Investigation shows how biostimulant application to scarlet sage transplants production improves growth and development of root and aboveground mass which is important for faster plant adaptation to stress during transplanting.
Ljudevit barun O?egovi?
Blagec, Ozren,uri?i?, Gordana
- , 2012,
Abstract: Sa?etak Autori u svom radu prikazuju ?ivot i djelovanje Ljudevita baruna O?egovi?a (1841. - 1913.), sina Metela O?egovi?a. Opisani su njegove obiteljske prilike, gospodarska, politi?ka i humanitarna djelatnost, a najve?i dio rada posve?en je njegovom slikarstvu
Ljudevit / Lewis, Baron O?egovi?
Blagec, Ozren,uri?i?, Gordana
- , 2012,
Abstract: Sa?etak Baron Ljudevit O?egovi? (born in Vara?din on 28th February 1841, died in Zagreb on 28th October 1913), was born to the well-known Illyrianist Metel O?egovi? and his wife Ivana, Countess Sermage. He was educated in Vienna where he completed studies of law and philosophy. His first wife was Countess Olga Erdody and later he married Ivka Hayos( Hir?l), who was a teacher. From the two he had two daughters and three sons. The basis of his economic activity was his property Gu??erovec- Veliki Kalnik which he inherited from his mother. Being a respectable large-estate owner he was the president of Kri?evci - based branch of the Croato Slavonian Economic Society in the period from 1874 to 1896. As a member of the National and Independent Party he was three times elected to the Croatian Diet and to the Lower House of the Hungarian Parliament as well. He left his father’s rich library to the University Library in Zagreb whereas his correspondence and part of family-owned books were donated to the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences/CAAS. Today this makes the core of the O?egovi?iana collection in the CAAS archi?ves. Ljudevit O?egovi? gladly helped the School of Agriculture in Kri?evci and is particularly meritorious for the founding of elementary school in Ka?lnik in 1865. Besides being a politician he also took delight in painting as an amateur. We know of 23 of his paintings and 3 postcards, actually photos of his probably lost paintings. He mostly painted religious scenes for churches and always signed his works. Unfortunately, very little is known about his art
Otapanje olova iz glazura zemljanog posu?a
uri, D.
- , 1958,
Abstract: Sa?etak U uvodu se isti?e rasprostranjenost upotrebe zemljanog posu?a s olovnom glazurom u na?oj zemlji, koja izaziva mnogobrojna te?ka otrovanja olovom me?u seoskim pa i gradskim stanovni?tvom. Kod niza slu?ajeva otrovanja izvr?ena je analiza olova originalnog uzorka hrane u posudi i nakon toga test topljivosti s octenom kiselinom (tablica I). Na osnovu tih rezultata diskutira se o faktorima, koji uvjetuju otapanje olova. Budu?i da je u literaturi prili?no prou?ena zavisnost otapanja olova iz glazura o kemijsko-tehnolo?kim i mehani?kim osobinama glazure, autor je obratio pa?nju prou?avanju utjecaja sadr?aja posude na topljivost olova iz njezine glazure. U serijama pokusa prou?ena je zavisnost otapanja olova iz glazure o temperaturi (grafikon 1), pH (grafikon 2) i o prisutnosti razli?itih anorganskih i organskih kiselina (tablica II). Na taj na?in dobiveni su kvantitativni, orijentacioni podaci, koji ilustriraju zavisnost otapanja olova iz glazure o grupi faktora u vezi s osobinama sadr?aja posude. Na osnovu toga autor upozorava, da se u takvim posudama nikako ne smije dr?ati hrana ili pi?e, koje sadr?ava organske kiseline, a pogotovu se ne smije takav sadr?aj zagrijavati ili kuhati
Metabolism of carbon disulphide
uri, D.
- , 1963,
Abstract: Sa?etak The author gives a review of the metabolism of carbon disulphide based on recent literature data. He presents its properties, use, determination, absorption and excretion, distribution and the mechanism of its action in the organism
Extraction of lead from lead-glazed pottery
uri, D.
- , 1958,
Abstract: Sa?etak Lead-glazed pottery is widely used in this country, and is responsible for numerous lead poisonings both among peasants and town people. In a series of cases the analysis', of the content of lead-glazed pottery and the test of extraction with acetic acid were carried out. The results are discussed as regards the factors influencing lead extraction. Special attention is paid to the influence of temperature, pH, and the effect of various organic and inorganic acids. It is pointed out that lead-glazed pottery should not be used for storing any food or drink containing organic acids, nor should such a content be warmed up or boiled
Metabolizam ugljen-disulfida
uri, D.
- , 1963,
Abstract: Sa?etak Na osnovi novijih podataka iz literature prikazan je metabolizam ugljen-dioksida. Opisane su osobine i upotreba, odre?ivanje, resorpcija i izlu?ivanje, raspodjela u organizmu pa vezivanje i mehanizam delovanja ugljen-disulfida u organizmu. Metabolizam GS2 prikazan je i shematski
Prisustvo biolo?ki zna?ajnih radionuklida u mlijeku i njihov udjel u njegovom radijacijskom optere?enju
Mitrovi?, Radosav,Petrovi?, Branislav,uri, Gordana
- , 1987,
Abstract: Sa?etak Neophodnost mlijeka u ishrani neminovno zahtijeva stalnu kontrolu kvaliteta u okviru koje posebno mjesto i zna?aj ima radijacijsko-higijenska ekspertiza. Stoga su u ovom radu prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na nivoe aktivnosti prirodnih i proizvedenih radionuklida u mlijeku iz podrinjsko-kolubarskog regiona i njihovi komparativni faktori
Traces of biologically significant radionuclides in milk and their share in total milk radiological load
Mitrovi?, Radosav,Petrovi?, Branislav,uri, Gordana
- , 1987,
Abstract: Sa?etak Continual milk quality control has become necessary due to the inidispensability of this food product in human nutrition, with special attention being paid to the radiological expertize of milk. This investigation, therefore, has been carried out to determine natural and produced radionuclide (K-40, Cs-137, Sr-90) levels and their comparative factors in the milk from the Podrinje-Kolubara region

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